
I'm working on a multi-user Swing application where it would be nice if users could be informed about updates made by others in real-time. For this application it is pretty much a convenience feature so it's not necessary for correct operation. After looking into ActiveMQ I discovered the Peer protocol which seems to be exactly what I need because I don't want to use a central server. I made a small test example which seemed to work perfectly.

But one thing I would like to do is send a message on application start to announce the client to the others. Unfortunately I'm not sure how to get this to work because if I immediately send a message after starting the connection it's only delivered to the embedded broker. Calling Thread.sleep for a short time before sending the message makes it work. So I guess that's because it takes some time until the discovery is finished, but how can I wait for that? I stumbled upon Advisories and it sounds like maybe that's what I need but I'm having a hard time finding more information about this. I'm quite new to JMS so please forgive my ignorance.

I would appreciate any pointers.

You can see the relevant part of the test code I used here, in case it makes any difference: http://pastebin.com/NsZmu79m


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