Found a bug related to this

It's fixed on the trunk now. On the current version of broker, just avoid
having content-length header in your acks.

Dejan Bosanac -
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On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:25 PM, Christopher Wood <> wrote:

> I have a problem with ActiveMQ not removing messages from a queue when the
> ack is received from PHP. Do you list denizens possibly know what's going
> on?
> As background, it appears that Net::STOMP::Client adds a content-length
> header to a message, whereas PHP's Stomp doesn't. When Net::STOMP::Client
> sends an ack it only sends the message-id, whereas PHP's Stomp sends back
> all the message headers. When the message headers include a content-length,
> ActiveMQ doesn't remove the message from its queue.
> Below are some sample message fragments as copied from my tcpdumps. I've
> obfuscated the hostname.
> (By "works" below I mean that the ack does cause ActiveMQ to remove the
> message from the queue. By "doesn't work" below I mean that the ack doesn't
> cause ActiveMQ to remove the message from the queue.)
> For instance, if these are the message headers (enqueued by
> Net::STOMP::Client):
> destination:/queue/ldapcwood
> timestamp:1325697918445
> expires:0
> content-length:8511
> priority:4
> Then the php ack doesn't work:
> redelivered:true
> destination:/queue/ldapcwood
> timestamp:1325697918445
> expires:0
> content-length:8511
> priority:4
> If these are the message headers (enqueued by php):
> destination:/queue/ldapin.cwood
> timestamp:1325695920628
> expires:0
> priority:4
> Then the php ack works:
> destination:/queue/ldapin.cwood
> timestamp:1325695920628
> expires:0
> priority:4
> This is the only sort of ack that Net::STOMP::Client produces for any set
> of message headers, and ActiveMQ always removes the message from the queue:
> My ActiveMQ host's versions are:
> Platform: Debian Stable (Squeeze)
> ActiveMQ: 5.5.1
> Java: OpenJDK 6b18
> My client host's versions are:
> Platform: Debian Stable (Squeeze)
> Perl: 5.10.1
> Net::STOMP::Client: 1.3
> PHP: 5.3.3 ("with Suhosin-Patch")
> PECL Stomp: 1.0.3
> (Although I saw the same behaviour with FuseSource's Stomp client, version
> 1.0.0.)
> To get the payload, I did this:
> echo -n bar >/tmp/bar
> Here are the perl/php fragments I use to reproduce this. I've obfuscated
> the hostnames, usernames, and passwords.
> This enqueues a message:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use File::Slurp;
> use Net::STOMP::Client;
> my $queue = '/queue/ldapcwood';
> my $stomp = Net::STOMP::Client->new(
>    uri     => 'stomp://',
>    timeout => { connect => 5, connected => 5, receive => 5, send => 5 }
> );
> my $connect = $stomp->connect( login => 'cwood', passcode => 'pass' );
> my $payload = read_file('/tmp/bar');
> $stomp->send( destination => $queue, body => $payload );
> $stomp->disconnect();
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This enqueues a message:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php
> $queue  = '/queue/ldapcwood';
> $msg = file_get_contents('/tmp/bar');
> try {
>    $stomp = new Stomp('tcp://', 'cwood', 'pass');
> } catch(StompException $e) {
>    die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
> }
> $stomp->send($queue, $msg);
> unset($stomp);
> ?>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This dequeues a message:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?php
> $queue  = '/queue/ldapcwood';
> try {
>    $stomp = new Stomp('tcp://', 'cwood', 'pass');
> } catch(StompException $e) {
>    die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());
> }
> $stomp->subscribe($queue, array('ack' => 'client'));
> $frame = $stomp->readFrame();
> var_dump($frame);
> if ($stomp->ack($frame)) {
>  #nothing
> } else {
>  var_dump($stomp->error());
> }
> unset($stomp);
> ?>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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