On Mar 29, 2012, at 11:18 AM, newtonsri wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the following topology:
> Producer ---- > Broker 1 ------> Consumer 1 ---- > Broker 2 -----> Consumer
> 2.
>                           ^                                              |
>                           |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _|
> Is it possible to send the message that I receive from consumer1 in broker2
> to be sent to both consumer2 as well as broker1 ?

Not sure I fully understand your requirements here. 

However check out 
- broker networks http://activemq.apache.org/networks-of-brokers.html
- composite destination http://activemq.apache.org/composite-destinations.html 
- Apache Camel http://camel.apache.org.

Hope these serve as starting points.

Torsten Mielke

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