Thanks, Tim. It worked!

How accurate is the queue size figure? I have a pool of consumers retrieving messages from the queue on a constant basis, although strangely getQueueSize() is showing 10 messages left on the queue when there should be none. Any ideas?



On 2012/07/26 1:38 AM, Timothy Bish wrote:
>brokerService = new BrokerService();)
>The queuing works perfectly, though I am having difficulty obtaining the
>QueueViewMBean instance for the purposes of retrieving the current queue
>JMXServiceURL url = new
>JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1199/jmxrmi"); //
>what value for this URL?
>It is unclear to me what URL must be used for the JMXServiceURL in the
>scenario where vm://appname is used (i.e. equivalent of
>"service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1199/jmxrmi"). Alternatively,
>perhaps there is another way to obtain the QueueViewMBean instance. I am
>not planning on connecting to any remote vm's. I  simply need to use the
>QueueViewMBean in the same virtual machine as where the brokerService
>object is created.
>Thanks in advance for your advice.
If you search the unit tests code for QueueViewMBean you'll find several
examples of how to get one, here's a snippet from one of the tests:

     private QueueViewMBean getProxyToQueueViewMBean() throws
MalformedObjectNameException, NullPointerException,
             JMSException {
         final ObjectName queueViewMBeanName = new

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