ok, maybe open a  new issue, and attach your logs and configure a data
small journal data file so that it can easily be attached once you
find the block in gc.

If recovery of local xa multi store transactions is the problem, I
would expect some log information from:

use setJournalMaxFileLength=24k (it needs to be > 8k) on the
persistence adapter.

It may require killing the broker in the debugger to get to the bottom
of this or using a system property that can kill the broker to force
recovery in this case.

An issue/jira ticket will put it on the radar in any event. I don't
see that AMQ-3866 is using mkahadb.

On 23 October 2012 14:47, Gilles Harloux <gilles.harl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I doubt I can reproduce it as a unit test: What I see happens
> (sometimes, sometimes not) because I sigkill the process. If I replace
> the kill with an orderly shutdown, everything works out ok.
> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Gary Tully <gary.tu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> do you think you could come up with a unit test that shows growth. So
>> something that uses mkahadb and produces or consumed in a transaction
>> from destinations that span the stores.
>> You could configure the size of journal data files to 16k or
>> something, such that any issue shows up very quickly.
>> A test case like that would help clarify the use case and if it can
>> reproduce, would be a great start to getting a quick resolution.
>> There is a test that does transacted send received across stores, but
>> does not check for cleanup. It may be easy to extend it in that way.
>> in activemq-core
>> org.apache.activemq.store.StorePerDestinationTest#testTransactedSendReceiveAcrossStores
>> On 23 October 2012 14:20, Gilles Harloux <gilles.harl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I found that link while you were answering, it seems <g>. I also found
>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-3866 and it looks a lot like
>>> what I experience.
>>> I tried to delete the index, start a broker and debug as explained in
>>> that ticket. Breakpointing at MessageDatabase#process, line 904
>>> (version 5.7.0) tells me it seems there is XA in the mix (data is a
>>> KahaAddMessageCommand instance, with
>>> data.f_transactionInfo.f_localTransactionId == null and
>>> data.f_transactionInfo.f_xaTransactionId != null). I guess it's due to
>>> the use of mKahaDB, where I am transacting across both stores.
>>> In that ticket, you asked for the relevant data file. I can share mine
>>> if there's any interest -- I just have to find a convenient way to
>>> provide you with a 32 Mb file.
>>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Gary Tully <gary.tu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> have a read of 
>>>> http://activemq.apache.org/why-do-kahadb-log-files-remain-after-cleanup.html
>>>> The logging referenced there will show you what destinations are
>>>> holding on to references to the journal data files.
>>>> w.r.t the usage %, the journal size increases in chunks of data file
>>>> size, so a new journal data file can push the usage over the limit.
>>>> On 23 October 2012 09:15, Gilles Harloux <gilles.harl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I have a system embedding a broker with KahaDB as a store. I am trying
>>>>> to get a feel about disaster recovery behavior. So what I am basically
>>>>> doing is randomly kill & restart the process. I see a condition (after
>>>>> killing & restarting multiple times) where the messages get consumed,
>>>>> but kahaDB journal files (db-*.log) don't get reclaimed. As I set up a
>>>>> storeUsage limit, it ends up blocking the system.
>>>>> I say the messages get consumed, because I can see my application
>>>>> logging what messages it gets to handle; Also, JMX tells me that the
>>>>> broker's TotalMesageCount is zero, while the StorePercentUsage is
>>>>> above 100 (depending on parameters such as message size & rate, I saw
>>>>> anything from 112 to 293 percent usage).
>>>>> So, two questions:
>>>>>  - How is it possible (for any reasons) to get a usage percentage
>>>>> above 100? (In other situations, I saw it happen with memory too).
>>>>>  - Why is it I can't get kahaDB to reclaim seemingly unused journal files?
>>>>> TIA,
>>>> --
>>>> http://redhat.com
>>>> http://blog.garytully.com
>> --
>> http://redhat.com
>> http://blog.garytully.com


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