
These postings hits the Mark Richard's article right on the bull's eye.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 6:01 AM, Christian Posta
<> wrote:
> Sean K,
> Looks like you already got a response from James :)
> But here's at least one discussion that took place a while ago about this
> very subject:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Sean K <> wrote:
>> Has anyone responded to this article written by Mark Richards about
>> AMQP and JMS (includes ActiveMQ)?
>> Specifically:
>> "This means that message clients using AMQP are completely agnostic as
>> to which AMQP clients API or
>> AMQP message broker you are using."   -- I remember hearing something
>> like that about Java -- Write once, run everywhere -- which was a lie.
>> Or, "While it is true vendors such as SonicMQ, ActiveMQ, and HornetQ
>> provide some level of cross platform interoperability, they do so
>> through proprietary protocols, APIs, and client libraries.   ..."   My
>> thought is -- is this really true?   I thought all of ActiveMQ is open
>> source via Apache, thus it should be another standard that should be a
>> louder standard than AMQP.
>> Last, how different is openwire protocol from the AMQP protocol?
>> Can anyone respond to these issues, or point me to articles that
>> address these from the ActiveMQ point of view?
> --
> *Christian Posta*
> twitter: @christianposta

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