I restarted AMQ. The counter remains at 55. Browsing, I now see messages!

They are 40 minutes old and have redelivery true. Is there anything more
that can be suggested as a result?

On 2 November 2012 15:14, James Green <james.mk.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am looking at the web console and the JMX connection which tell me that
> a queue has 55 pending messages.
> If I click in the web console to browse them, an empty list is displayed.
> If I click any of the browseX() methods of the JMX console, I get an empty
> dialog back. The cursorSize() returns 55, doesCursorHaveMessagesBuffered()
> returns false.
> Is this a known problem? Can it be explained sensibly?
> Thanks,
> James

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