yes, you need to have separate <networConnector ...> for each or the
urls in the static list from before, and provide each with a unique

On 14 November 2012 15:51, Mohit Anchlia <> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 5:39 AM, Gary Tully <> wrote:
>> that is really a bug with static:
>> it replicates the network connector config for each url in the list,
>> so they all have the same name. For duplex this is a problem.
>> To use multiple connectors with duplex to the same host, they need to
>> have unique names so you will need to use boiler plate xml config for
>> each url with a different name value.
>> Thanks I'll write a bug. In your suggestion you mean just add a name
> attribute to networkConnectors with each host having a different name?
> The static: discovery url handler should really auto increment a
>> default name for you in this case. Can you raise an enhancement jira
>> for that.
>> On 11 November 2012 16:33, Mohit Anchlia <> wrote:
>> > I had to remove duplex from network of connectors. Does it mean I can't
>> use
>> > duplex?
>> >
>> > On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Mohit Anchlia <
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> Does anyone know why one would get this error?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> javax.jms.InvalidClientIDException: Broker: -
>> >> Client: already connected from vm://
>> >> <> <
>> >>
>> --


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