thank u Tully
i have seen the test case before,but it not point to the producer how to get the all of consumers' amount with consumed the message. in our project, cusumers subcribe the topics, producer dont know cusumers had been subcribed and concumed the message. I need to ensure all cusumers subcribe the topic,and then delete the file.
how can i do.
thanks again..
peek at the unit tests for example usage. in particular -

On 27 August 2013 08:45, Jinglong Wang <> wrote:
i have some problems to handle blobmessage.
My environments are:
Tomcat 6.0
Apache FTPServer 1.0.6
ActiveMQ 5.8.0

ActiveMQ message trans type is: publish/subcribe

now, i have a producer of publisher with topic and blobmessage,session mode
persistent,auto acknowledge.

the file size about 30MB,upload to ftp server

then, client with subcriber to recive the blobmessage.

my problem is:
1. how to get the message status that downloaded file,recive success.
2. how and when delete the file from the blobmessage in ftp server.

newbie,thanks a lot

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