Hi Tim,

I'll check today and report back.

I suspect this may have something to do with enterprise security and scanning 
software installed on the Linux host. Is there any command to determine if the 
security process is interfering with the amq process?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Tim Bain <tb...@alumni.duke.edu>
Date: 11/11/2015 1:41 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: ActiveMQ Users <users@activemq.apache.org>
Cc: asha...@vizuri.com, Kent Eudy <ke...@vizuri.com>
Subject: Re: JMX connections creating high cpu and GC [ EXTERNAL ]

Do you see the same performance impact from attaching JConsole or JVisualVM?
On Nov 10, 2015 4:09 PM, "Basmajian, Raffi" <rbasmaj...@ofiglobal.com>

> I'm throwing a hail mary on this one,
> We've set up a broker cluster on A-MQ 5.11 (Fuse 6.2).
> Six master/slave pairs, full graph topology network of brokers; 12 brokers
> total.
> The cluster is brand new, no message activity; network connectors are
> active and working properly.
> Java 8, RHEL 7.1, 1gb/4Gb min/max
> Problem
> =======
> Using JMC (Mission Control) , we connect to a master to view JMX metrics.
> Almost immediately, cpu activity on the broker shoots to 100%. Heap
> consumption oscillates between 128Mb and 800Mb over 30s windows, and the
> rest of the day is generally unpleasant.
> From a thread view, nearly all cpu activity is consumed by numerous
> "ActiveMQ Task-xxx" threads; here's the stack trace from one, but they are
> all nearly identical:
> ActiveMQ Task-220 [2656] (TIMED_WAITING)
>    sun.misc.Unsafe.park line: not available [native method]
>    java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.parkNanos line: 215
>    java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.awaitFulfill line:
> 460
>    java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue$TransferStack.transfer line: 362
>    java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.poll line: 941
>    java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask line: 1066
>    java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker line: 1127
>    java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run line: 617
>    java.lang.Thread.run line: 745
> At first I thought it was related to this issue, and while I found five
> threads with the name "JMX Server connection timeout" on this instance,
> none of those threads are consuming cpu resources.
> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1169753
> When we test this on a standalone instance with no network configuration,
> this problem does not occur. In our QA environment (the config detailed
> above), the broker config is identical to our standalone instances, the
> only difference is the network connector. Here's a snippet, there are five
> total pairs like this (for six total m/s pairs in the topology) in each
> activemq.xml:
>             <!--        Network #1        -->
>             <!-- (#1) Queue network link  -->
>             <networkConnector
>                 name="queues_nc1"
>                 userName="${auth.user}"
>                 password="${auth.password}"
>                 uri="masterslave(tcp://whatever, tcp://whatever)"
>                 consumerTTL="1"
>                 messageTTL="100"
>                 conduitSubscriptions="false"
>                 decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority="true"
>                 suppressDuplicateQueueSubscriptions="true">
>                 <dynamicallyIncludedDestinations>
>                     <queue physicalName=">"/>
>                 </dynamicallyIncludedDestinations>
>             </networkConnector>
>             <!-- (#1) Topic network link  -->
>             <networkConnector
>                 name="topics_nc1 "
>                 userName="${auth.user}"
>                 password="${auth.password}"
>                 uri="masterslave(tcp://whatever, tcp://whatever)"
>                 consumerTTL="1"
>                 messageTTL="100 "
>                 decreaseNetworkConsumerPriority="true">
>                 <dynamicallyIncludedDestinations>
>                     <topic physicalName=">"/>
>                 </dynamicallyIncludedDestinations>
>             </networkConnector>
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