There could only be 500 topic messages be consumed with the AMQP Qpid
client with ActiveMQ 5.14.1.

We get the following situation (subscriber info) at the moment a subscriber
connects with the Qpid client.
The Inflight value becomes -1000 what is very strange.

Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch

0     | -1000    | 0            | 0               | 0

We get the following situation when one topic message is published.
The Inflight value increased with 2.

Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch

0                              | -998     | 1            | 1     | 0

We get the following situation when 500 topic messages are published.
The Inflight value is now 0 and the 500 messages are consumed.
Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch

0                              | 0        | 500           | 500          | 0

At the moment message 501 is published increases the "Pending Queue Size"
as the messages "Enqueued" as well. The "Dequeued" messages remains 500 and
message 501
can't be consumed by the subscriber !!!

Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch

1                             | 0          | 501          | 500         | 0

Do somebody know what happens ?  Do I something wrong or is it a real bug ?



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