I'll throw in my .02 on this...

I think the discussion should be here and in the open and I am confident the
PMC will decide based on the community, and not on their personal view.

I also think we need to be very careful in any discussion about sun-setting
AMQ 5.X.  "Classic" as it has been discussed still is the #1 installed MQ in
the world.  It is most certainly heavily used, still much more so than
Artemis (at least from my view).  As long as the community is strong, AMQ
5.X should continue forward.

I am looking forward to Artemis becoming ActiveMQ 6.  IMHO, it should be
called ActiveMQ because I believe that was the original intent... that
Artemis was the code name, and it would be ActiveMQ 6 once it hit 1.0 (at
least that's what I thought was going to happen).  If we want people to take
Artemis as a part of ActiveMQ, and we want to up its game regarding usage
and community, I really think keeping it in the ActiveMQ lineup is really
the way to go.  I hopefully look forward to that as I really want to see a
lot more installations of the product. :-)

Just my usual .02.


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