I am trying to do a non-exclusive divert of messages dynamically on my remote
Artemis server using core management api. I have spend considering amount of
time looking at Artemis documentation [1] and test classes found at [2]  but
still I can not figure out how to do it. Neither the documentation nor the
test classes gives me enough information to get going. This is what I have
in mind so far which can be completely wrong.

/public static void main(String[] args) {
                DivertConfiguration divertConf = new DivertConfiguration();
                ConfigurationImpl config = new ConfigurationImpl();
// next ?


I will appreciate if someone sheds more light particularly on how
ActiveMQServerControlImpl and DiverControlImpl classes are used.

[1] https://activemq.apache.org/artemis/docs/1.0.0/management.html

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