Hi all,

We are experiencing a recurring message acknowledgment issue in the form of: 

/<ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///> <<anonymous>> <> <>
<1516176117355> <BEA-000000> <Async error occurred:
<b>javax.jms.JMSException: Unmatched acknowledge*: MessageAck {commandId =
17, responseRequired = false, ackType = 2, consumerId =
ID:c27791-62893-1516176115418-1:1:2:1, firstMessageId =
ID:c27791-62370-1516175410475-1:1:1:1:1, lastMessageId =
ID:c27791-62439-1516175599485-1:1:1:24:1, destination =
queue://Consumer.core.VirtualTopic.FotowebEvents, transactionId =
messageCount = 2, poisonCause = null}; *Could not find Message-ID
ID:c27791-62370-1516175410475-1:1:1:1:1 in dispatched-list (start of ack)*>

What I see occuring in the broker's log is a two 'Acknowledging message for
...' lines occurring only one second apart, for this referenced message ID
/c27791-62370-1516175410475-1:1:1:1:1/. So while the first acknowledging
step/call has already dequeued/acked the message, the second, superfluous
call doesn't find the message anymore thus causing the error.

- Am i right to issume this is erronous behavior *on the client side*, in
calling the ack twice?
- What client configuration or setting(s) might be erroneous here?
- Any other thought for troubleshooting? I have Googled quite a bit and
applied 'jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1' on the broker URl, but to no
avail yet. 

- Consumer is an MDB deployed in weblogic JEE server, set up to use ActiveMQ
5.15 client libs.
- XA transaction-based acknowledgement is used.
- Broker is a ActiveMQ 5.15 broker instance deployed in another weblogic
server (packaged within war).

Thank you in advance,


Broker's log example, red lines mark identical Ack calls happening within
second from one another:


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