Is this a single broker or a network of brokers? If it's standalone, then
yes, I believe that it indicates a client error. If it's a network of
brokers, we'd need more information about the network (# nodes, topology,
etc.) and about the networkConnectors as you've configured them, to see if
this is a client error as you suggested or if it's an artifact of the
network itself.


On Jan 17, 2018 2:05 AM, "pablo1a" <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are experiencing a recurring message acknowledgment issue in the form
> of:
> /<ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:///> <<anonymous>> <> <>
> <1516176117355> <BEA-000000> <Async error occurred:
> <b>javax.jms.JMSException: Unmatched acknowledge*: MessageAck {commandId =
> 17, responseRequired = false, ackType = 2, consumerId =
> ID:c27791-62893-1516176115418-1:1:2:1, firstMessageId =
> ID:c27791-62370-1516175410475-1:1:1:1:1, lastMessageId =
> ID:c27791-62439-1516175599485-1:1:1:24:1, destination =
> queue://Consumer.core.VirtualTopic.FotowebEvents, transactionId =
> XID:[48801,globalId=035763fffffff035ffffffb7ffffffee4d52,branchId=
> 7765626c6f6769632e656a622e636f6e7461696e65722e4a4d53436f6e6e
> 656374696f6e506f6c6c65722e466f746f776562496d6167654576656e74
> cffffffc7ffffffc9ffffffa4],
> messageCount = 2, poisonCause = null}; *Could not find Message-ID
> ID:c27791-62370-1516175410475-1:1:1:1:1 in dispatched-list (start of
> ack)*>
> /
> What I see occuring in the broker's log is a two 'Acknowledging message for
> ...' lines occurring only one second apart, for this referenced message ID
> /c27791-62370-1516175410475-1:1:1:1:1/. So while the first acknowledging
> step/call has already dequeued/acked the message, the second, superfluous
> call doesn't find the message anymore thus causing the error.
> Questions:
> - Am i right to issume this is erronous behavior *on the client side*, in
> calling the ack twice?
> - What client configuration or setting(s) might be erroneous here?
> - Any other thought for troubleshooting? I have Googled quite a bit and
> applied 'jms.prefetchPolicy.queuePrefetch=1' on the broker URl, but to no
> avail yet.
> Context:
> - Consumer is an MDB deployed in weblogic JEE server, set up to use
> ActiveMQ
> 5.15 client libs.
> - XA transaction-based acknowledgement is used.
> - Broker is a ActiveMQ 5.15 broker instance deployed in another weblogic
> server (packaged within war).
> Thank you in advance,
> Patrick
> Broker's log example, red lines mark identical Ack calls happening within
> second from one another:
> <
> extract-unmatched-ack-0.png>
> <
> extract-unmatched-ack-1.png>
> --
> Sent from:
> f2341805.html

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