I'm developing an application which requires me to keep track of when a
message expires on an ActiveMQ topic and when a message expires because a
client/consumer/subscriber failed to acknowledge the message in time.

I know that to find out when a message expires on a topic I can just listen
to the ActiveMQ advisory ActiveMQ.Advisory.Expired.Topic. However, I also
need to keep track of which consumers/clients are expiring the most amount
of messages, which means I need their consumer/clientId etc whenever a
message expires. Is there an advisory or methodology that I can use in order
to accomplish this?

I'm new to ActiveMQ so my knowledge of how JMS messaging works is limited.
My understanding is that a producer sets a message expiry time and if the
consumer does not consume the message within a certain time period then the
message is expired and sent to expiration queue. I need to find to find out
which consumers are failing to receive messages.

I appreciate any guidance. Thank you.

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