For what it's worth, Artemis ships with a lot of JMS examples which use

Your is using this:


This looks wrong to me. I think it should be:


The first part ("queue.") tells the JNDI implementation that a queue is
being defined. The next bit ("queues/logMessages") indicates where the
queue will be bound in the context. The last bit ("=logMessages") tells the
JNDI implentation that this binding maps to an address/queue on the broker
whose name is "logMessages". This is outlined in the documentation I cited

Based on the above you should be using this in your JMS appender

  destinationBindingName ="queues/logMessages"

The reference to port 5445 in the JNDI documentation should be changed to
be 61616. There is an acceptor listening on 5445 by default, but it's is
for legacy HornetQ clients.

Let me know if those configuration changes help.  If they don't help and if
it's at all possible please provide a stack-trace which provides more
detail about what the underlying error is from the JNDI implementation. The
previous stack-trace snippet only had details about the JMS appender
itself. At the very least provide the full stack trace so I can look up the
source to see what it's doing if necessary.


On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 8:08 PM Peter Chandler <> wrote:

> log4J-2, JMS Appender requires JNDI bindings. Hence looking for a Spring
> Boot, Artemis, JNDI example configuration.
> --
> Sent from:

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