> But can I configure a timeout for this instead of number of connections?


The recommended option would be to use initial-connect-attempts and
reconnect-attempts and needed. If you need functionality beyond that then
I'd recommend writing a utility class yourself to catch the exceptions and
retry as necessary.


On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 5:52 AM Felipe Fraga <felipefr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have a standalone Artemis 2.6.4 running and I am connecting to it using
> JMS from the client of an embedded Artemis on Wildfly 13, so Artemis client
> 1.5.5.
> My client code looks like this:
> @Inject
> @JMSConnectionFactory(JMSConnectionFactoryName.DEFAULT)
> private JMSContext jmsContext;
> jmsContext.createProducer().send(queue, myMessage);
> Now, sometimes the application inside Wildfly receives requests before the
> Artemis server is up, effectively throwing a:
> Caused by: ActiveMQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED
> message=AMQ119007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available
> servers.]
> I am trying to have the client lock and wait for a connection before
> throwing the error.
> At the Artemis Connection Factory configuration I have setup this
> parameter:
> <pooled-connection-factory initial-connect-attempts="10"
> And I recognise that the higher the number of initial-connect-attemps
> (default value is 1) the longer the client hangs and wait for the
> connection. But can I configure a timeout for this instead of number of
> connections? I haven't been able to identify that in the docs. I guess
> maybe I could use -1 (infinite), but I possibly want to get the exception
> if for some reason the Artemis server is not going live.
> Also, I would like this to happen on reconnection attemps, but the
> reconnect-attempts already has -1 as default value, so I guess its fine.
> So essentially I would like clients to hang and wait some time for the live
> server to start OR come back before throwing the
> ActiveMQNotConnectedException. What is the recommended connection factory
> configuration to achieve this?
> Thanks a lot for your time,
> Felipe

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