Hello Tim,

I'm working  with ActiveMQ 5. Artemis was out of scope for me up to now.
If Artemis is supporting MQTT5, I would like to know this, too.



Von:    "Tim Bain" <tb...@alumni.duke.edu>
An:     "ActiveMQ Users" <users@activemq.apache.org>
Datum:  04.10.2019 21:22
Betreff:        Re: mqtt adapter roadmap

Is your question about ActiveMQ 5.x, or about Artemis?


On Fri, Oct 4, 2019, 9:12 AM <herbert.helmstr...@systema.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> can somebody say, if it is planned to support MQTTv5 adapter in
> I found a similar question in the archives with answers pointing to
> But I do not see, what jetty has to do with that.
> Thank You!
> Herbert

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