
In my solution the inbound msgs are coming in via achivemq 5.15 (Artemis is not 
an option at the moment).

I want to duplicate the PROD env inbound msgs, and send it to the ACC env 

Obviously the prod achivemq is sitting on a different cluster than the ACC 

I was looking at the


But I don't fully understand how to adapt it for my scenario.

I mean if I look at this example


This is only if the remote broker is in the same host (localhost), therefore 
doesn't work in my case.

If I definein the XMLConfiguration the remote like this

<broker xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core"; id="remotebroker" 
brokerName="remotebroker" persistent="false">
<transportConnector uri="tcp://<remote-Host>:61616"/>

I obviously get a startup error

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean 
with name 'remotebroker' defined in class path resource [activemq.xml]: 
Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.io.IOException: 
Transport Connector could not be registered in JMX: java.io.IOException: Failed 
to bind to server socket: tcp://test3-vt.northeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:61616 
due to: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind?

So, any help/hint how to implement the JMS to JMS bridge in my scenario?

Kind regards



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