Hi all,

Puzzled by some behaviour we're seeing on a broker cluster of 3 live
Artemis v2.16.0 brokers hosted on k8s which has an F5 in front of it
terminating TLS and routing to a k8s node port forwarding to an AMQP
acceptor for each broker. The cluster is healthy and has been up for about
2 months without interruption. Each broker has its own storage. The address
routing is set up with redistribution delay = 0 and the clustering is using
all default settings and static discovery.

Clients all use *non-shared* durable topic subscriptions via QPID JMS v1.0.

What we're seeing is that if two separate physical clients attempt to open
a connection using the same client ID, Artemis *occasionally* allows both
to succeed and allows both to consume the durable subs on 2 different
brokers. I thought this was only possible if round-robin routing was
explicitly enabled on the clustering configuration by configuring STRICT
message load balancing instead of the default ON_DEMAND. Of course, due to
the F5, it will appear to Artemis that both clients are running on the same
physical host.

Is there some "belt and braces" way to prevent 2 connections with one
client id in addition to the message load balancing configuration?



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