
I have couple of questions about certs in broker keystore and which cert is
in ssl protocol.
I could not find any info in the doc. I did find couple of old queries in
this forum. But,
there are no replies. So, hoping someone can comment on these questions:

1. If there are multiple certs in the broker keystore, how is the decision
    for which cert to use?
2. Similarly, if there are multiple certs in the client's truststore,
should the order
    match with broker keystore cert order?
3. If a cert is expired in broker store, will it be still used or will it
use the next cert
    in the keystore, if there are any?

If any one has any thoughts or encountered these situations, appreciate if
they can
comment about it.
Or if you can point to some document (other than activemq code!), which
explains these aspects, that will be appreciated.

Thanks again.

Kind Regards,
Bijju Patel.

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