For posterity's sake, this was resolved on Stack Overflow [1].



On Tue, Nov 22, 2022 at 5:03 AM Raul Valdoleiros <> wrote:

> 0
> <>
> I'm trying to connect to the management notifications topic and get all the
> messages, even before the client was connected.
> What is happening is the client only get the notification messages that
> happened after its connection.
> The broker configuration is similar to his
> <management-notification-address>notificationsTopic</management-notification-address>
> <addresses>
>     <address name="notificationsTopic">
>         <anycast>
>             <queue name="notificationsQueue" />
>         </anycast>
>     </address>
> </addresses>
> And the code is this one:
> What I noticed was when the client connects to the notification management
> topic it creates a new queue and reads from it, but the notificationsQueue
> queue (configured in the broker.xml) remains there with all the messages
> ready to be read.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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