Hi all.

I'm trying to use nginx as proxy for buildbot 0.9 web interface and I have
Nginx is configured to use basic auth
Buildbot configured to use remote auth with defaults.

Login works fine, logout works too.
(For logout I added redirection rule for /auth/logout url in nginx config
with wrong login and password
as supposed here

Logout works, user can sign in with another login.

But there is a problem because twisted session is the same.
And buildbot doesn't update user_info in session, if session has already
user_info dict.
(maybeAutoLogin method in RemoteUserAuth class, www/auth.py module).

So buildbot thinks that user is the same.

I added check if username in session and in request are equal and it works
(buildbot switches
users correctly).
Is it right way of solving this problem or maybe there is better solution?
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