Hi Willem,

i'll check your work as soon as i can :), and test it, thx. However, i'm not sure i'll be able to do it before the 1.6.0 release.

I also saw the CAMEL-1345 report on JIRA. A way to make things become easier for the users could be to provide a Camel service when its bundle is installed and started on an OSGi gateway. It's the way i did, using iPOJO <http://felix.apache.org/site/apache-felix-ipojo.html> as the OSGi service manager.



Willem Jiang a écrit :
Hi Guillaume,

I did some works[1] about moving the OSGI stuff from camel-core to OSGI.
Current Camel 1.6 and Camel 2.0-snapshot don't check the "getBundle"
method from the classloader to verify if the camel context is deploied
in an OSGI envrionment.

Please feel free to try them out.

BTW, current we are voting the camel 1.6, you can get it from here[2]



Guillaume Renault wrote:
Hello all,

it is time for me to inform the Camel users that i did some work on

The goal was to provide a Camel OSGi service on the JOnAS 5 Application
Server. I first noticed that Camel provides bundles of its modules
(thanks all for this). However, an issue remains when we use Camel on
OSGi. In the camel-core, when Camel try to find the converters (and more
generally, when Camel try to deal with bundles), it needs to get the
list of bundles on the OSGi gateway. this is done this way :

                class : org.apache.camel.util.ResolverUtil
                org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle =
(org.osgi.framework.Bundle) mth.invoke(loader);
                org.osgi.framework.Bundle[] bundles =

where mth is a Method object and loader a ClassLoader. This is not a
common way to access the bundle list (so the bundleContext), as the
classloader doesn't own such a method by default. It must be done the
way it is in your case because of the websphere integration, but in a
common environment, Camel needs to access this list through the
BundleContext, which is known when the bundle is deployed on the gateway.

Then i did some overload of the core to correctly get the bundles' list,
as it is impossible for Camel to know that we are in an OSGi environment
if the "getBundle" method is not available on a classloader.

Once this was done, it was quite simple to provide a Camel service on an
OSGi gateway using iPOJO
(http://felix.apache.org/site/ipojo-concepts-overview.html). Be aware
that my work was done for integration on a JOnAS Application Server (it
is the reason of the classes' names), but it can perfectly work on a
"standalone" OSGi gateway without JOnAS (JOnAS 5 uses Felix by default).

You can checkout the sources here
<svn://svn.forge.objectweb.org/svnroot/jonas/sandbox/camel-jonas5>. Feel
free to make comments, and if you're in need for such a service in
Camel, i will be glad to include my work in the project, either as an
example, or all other ways you would like to. Two examples are also
provided in my project, one deeling with JMS (using the JORAM
implementation) and an other one using CXF.

I still need to set up some tests to validate my work in a unitary test way.

BTW, i use from the version 1.5.0 of Camel.

Feel free to comment this e-mail, and react on the subject. Also don't
hesitate to directly contact me.



PS :  I'm using the Registry component made by S. Ali Tokmen, who made
Camel work on a JOnAS 4.10.3 version. This component allow to define
logical names to access endpoints when we define the camel routes. Those
names are binded to the real technical name.

Guillaume Renault - BULL Service
BULL - Architect of an Open World
Email : guillaume.rena...@bull.net
Tel : +334 76 29 71 09
Office : B1-295
Web : http://jasmine.ow2.org
web : http://jonas.ow2.org
(\ _ /)

Guillaume Renault - BULL Service
BULL - Architect of an Open World
Email : guillaume.rena...@bull.net
Tel : +334 76 29 71 09
Office : B1-295
Web : http://jasmine.ow2.org
web : http://jonas.ow2.org
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