
Most peoples complaint about Cocoon is not that it cannot do what they
want - its being able to figure how how to make it do it!  Bear in mind
this is an open source project & is "pulling itself up by its own bootstraps"
The people developing prefer to code rather than write long docs - so its up 
to the community to write as much as possible - if each of us adds just a 
little (even explaining what is important to us) we can make a difference - 
you do *not* have to be a guru to do this; in fact, documentation is often 
better written by those just starting out as they make less assumptions.

The Cocoon Wiki is a great place to contribute -
and look at the starter docs under:
(if you make mistakes, someone else can/will edit them later.)


>>> Adam Flegman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/07/2003 11:51:21 >>>
Hi Derek,

Thanks to your info/hints I managed to get the sessions up and runnning. All
the pages in the client section require valid sessions and redirect to the main
index page for the client area (Client/index.xsp).

The Client/index.xsp pages acts like a log-in page to set the valid session
details (if they haven't been set yet). The user doesn't have to actually enter
any specific information, the xsp page just needs to examine their IP address
and can create all the session details from that.

It has taken me a little while to begin to understand just how powerful the
sitemap really is :-)

I just wish I could find a reference site that actaully lists all the tags and
attributes you can use - I don't have many resources at hand, and this has been
a big trouble. A downloadable/printable version of this information would be
even better still, so I can do more reading at home.

Anway thanks to your help I have a solution that appears to work now :-)


Adam Flegman - Senior Software Engineer

Mobile:     (0414) 375 735
Phone:     (07) 5547 8530
Facsimile: (07) 5547 8532

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