Assuming you are using CXF 2.1.x (and not 2.0.x), the easiest thing to do is 
to add an @XmlSeeAlso(SpecialPerson.class) annotation to the interface.   
That allows the JAXB runtime to see the subclass so you'll get it properly 
written out (with the xsi:type) and can then be properly read as well.


On Tuesday 16 September 2008 10:48:50 am Philipp Schill wrote:
> Hello,
> i want to use cxf to provide a webservice with complex data types:
> @WebMethod(action = "lookupPerson")
> List<Person> lookupPerson(@WebParam (name  = "person") Person person)
> throws InternalException, BackendException;
> Person is an Object with some Parameters.
> Person has also a subclass SpecialPerson.
> How do I have to annotate the WebMethod to get a SpecialPerson back in case
> it is a SpecialPerson. I always get a Person back.
> Are there any examples with complex data types and inheritance?
> Thanks and regards
> philipp
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