I am processing multipart form-data for file uploads using JAX-RS.
Using Apache CXF 2.4.1

The example addBookFilesForm shown here is not working as-is for me:

Has an example request here:

The second part of the form data is a multipart/mixed list of books.
The relevant snippet of the above request is:

        Cntent-Disposition: form-data; name="files"

        Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=_Part_4_701508.1145579811786

This fails for me with

WARNING: No multipart with content id files found

If I add

to the request, then it works fine.

Should it not use the name if the Content-ID is not specified?
Is there something I can do to not require this Content-Id and use the name?   
It is not
in my interface spec so hope to avoid requiring it.

On another note, there is an error in the addBookJaxbJsonForm example, the 
request has

        Content-ID: <jaxbPart>

But the signature specifies "bookXML" not jaxbPart.


-- DC


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