
Actually only the required and nillable attributes are required, but it
doesn't validate the input parameters , although it validates the return
types of the web method.

We have managed to validate the input parameters using JAXB only

Thank you.

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Freeman Fang <freeman.f...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Not all restrictions from xsd can map to the class, even with annotations,
> like the string length, string content, etc, could you elaborate what kind
> of validation you want to perform?
> Freeman
> On 2012-1-16, at 下午6:25, Waleed Zedan wrote:
>  Hi,
>> Yes it is created from class , but the method parameters are annotated
>> properly, should I validate the JAXB objects manually in this case or is
>> there an option in CXF to perform this validation automatically?
>> Thank you.
>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Freeman Fang <freeman.f...@gmail.com
>> >wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>> One possible reason is that your server side servicemodel is built from
>>> class, but not from the wsdl file, so no chance to load the schema xsds
>>> to
>>> do the schema validation.
>>> Could you add wsdlLocation attribute for your jaxws:endpoint also to see
>>> if it helps?
>>> Freeman
>>> On 2012-1-16, at 下午5:40, Waleed Zedan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>> I have added the end point with schema validation:
>>>> <jaxws:endpoint id="slmCallbackInterface"
>>>> implementor="#****slmCallbackWebService"
>>>> implementorClass="com.ws.impl.****SLMCallbackImpl"
>>>> address="/****SLMCallbackInterface">
>>>> <jaxws:properties>
>>>> <entry key="schema-validation-****enabled" value="true" />
>>>> </jaxws:properties>
>>>> </jaxws:endpoint>
>>>> The endpoint is referencing a bean implementation as mentioned above,
>>>> but
>>>> the XSD input is not validated although the JAXB objects contain all
>>>> required = true and nillable = false
>>>> Any advice why CXF is not validating the input against the XSD
>>>> definition
>>>> in the JAXB objects?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> --
>>>> wz
>>> ------------------------------****---------------
>>> Freeman Fang
>>> FuseSource
>>> Email:ff...@fusesource.com
>>> Web: fusesource.com
>>> Twitter: freemanfang
>>> Blog: http://freemanfang.blogspot.****com <http://freemanfang.blogspot.*
>>> *com <http://freemanfang.blogspot.com>>
>> --
>> wz
> ------------------------------**---------------
> Freeman Fang
> FuseSource
> Email:ff...@fusesource.com
> Web: fusesource.com
> Twitter: freemanfang
> Blog: http://freemanfang.blogspot.**com <http://freemanfang.blogspot.com>


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