Sorry that is a typo.  The issue is that if I add the mes namespace to the
LoginRequest I get an unmarshalling error stating it is not expecting child
elements.  However if I remove the mes namespace from LoginRequest it works
fine (as long as I do not remove the mes namespace from the child

So in short it would seem that even though both are in the same namespace,
the service does not seem to think that LoginRequest needs to be in a
qualified namespace.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 7:50 PM, Glen Mazza <> wrote:

> On 02/26/2012 09:44 PM, Mike Key wrote:
>> …
>> However when I try to send messages to this service via any tool such as
>> soapUI or any given client where I can send in raw XML that looks like:
>> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.**
>> <>"
>> xmlns:mes="http://mynamespace.**com <>">
>>    <soapenv:Header/>
>>    <soapenv:Body>
>>       <mes:LoginRequest>
>>          <mes:LoginObjectPayload>
>>             ...
>>          </mes:LoginObjectPayload>
>>       </LoginRequest>
>>    </soapenv:Body>
>> </soapenv:Envelope>
>> I get an unmarshalling error from CXF.  If I remove the qualified
>> namespace
>> from ONLY the LoginRequest element it seems to work fine.  This seems like
>> an anomaly to me, can someone tell me why this would occur and what I may
>> be doing wrong?
> Your closing tag for LoginRequest is missing the mes: prefix, I suspect
> that is the problem.  AFAIK either both or neither elements need to have it.
> Glen
> --
> Glen Mazza
> Talend Community Coders -
> blog:

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