On 01/08/13 19:03, Osvaldo Pina wrote:

   Sorry to bother you again with this problem but I did some research in
the cxf source code and I think that changing the property will not solve
the problem because the AbstractJAXBProvider will always try to create
a NamespaceMapper (inside protected void setNamespaceMapper) which is a
child of jaxb-impl com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper (and
in vm runtime the class is
com.sun.xml.internal.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper). So, I think
that the best solution for that is to create a child
of JAXBElementProvider, overriding setNamespaceMapper in order to create a
custom NamespaceMapper. Am I correct? If so how can I instruct
the JAXRSClientFactoryBean to programmatically create an instance of my
custom JAXBElementProvider instead of the default one?

well, it is me who is sorry for not addressing this issue properly :-). Thanks for your investigation. Yes, at the moment, registering a JAXBElementProvider extension will do, I will also get rid of "namespaceMapperProperty" and see what else might be improved

Thanks, Sergey
    Osvaldo Pina.

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 12:07 PM, Osvaldo Pina <osvaldo.p...@gmail.com>wrote:

Thanks a lot for the information!

On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com>wrote:

On 31/07/13 15:52, Osvaldo Pina wrote:


    You mean 2.6.7? because I could not find the 2.7.7 version.

  Actually, I got confused, I'm telling everyone CXF 2.7.7 is the latest
:-) I meant 2.7.6, sorry about it. CXF 2.6.9 should also have those
properties supported

Cheers, Sergey

     Osvaldo Pina.

On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 6:09 AM, Sergey Beryozkin <sberyoz...@gmail.com


On 29/07/13 21:32, Osvaldo Pina wrote:

       Hi all,

      I have a very strange scenario. I need to use CXF 2.7.1 for
jax-rs (I
can change to another version) in a IBM JVM (build 2.6, JRE 1.6.0)
including the jaxb-impl that cxf requires. I have a lot of
tests that I executed under IBM Jvm and all passed. In my scenario I
noticed only a problem with namespaces. Which is not a problem for me
remove them. Does anyone knows other compatibility issues?

  One thing I'm aware of is that up to CXF 2.6.6 (inclusive) XML or
(JAXB-based) providers will fail if namespace prefixes have to be
customized due to these provides using JAXB RI specific properties to
namespace mappers. The same issue would apply to JAXBProvider trying to
XML Processing Instructions.
In CXF 2.7.7 I added properties to these providers (ex,
"namespaceMapperProperty") which can be used to set a property
by non JAXB-RI implementations and which will be used to set namespace
mappers if needed.

May be that can help ?


      Osvaldo Pina.

Sergey Beryozkin

Talend Community Coders

Blog: http://sberyozkin.blogspot.com

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