Strange thing: I can not find an INS key on my MacBook. Its delete key acts like the back space key...


On 02/15/2013 04:05 PM, anne-ology wrote:
        ooh, how I dislike that INS key ... I tend to hit that rather than
the DEL key many times;
            then I'll start typing only to find I'm erasing  ;-(

        Whoever decided to place that INS key must not have been thinking;
            doesn't any typist know to click on the space-bar to insert
letters, ...   ;-)

        Oh, right, this is a computer not a 'glorified typewriter'  ;-)

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Paul D. Mirowsky

An interesting point.
Perhaps there ought to be a mode switch between "Next top of page" and
"Proportional" when using Page Up/Down keys.

I can't remember the last time I used my "Insert" key to change its mode.

Perhaps it is time to make "Insert" a mode switch for Delete, Home, End
and Page Up/Down.

After all, we've got Control, Alt and Win/Apple Whatever special keys.
  What's one more in the group.

Alas,  I digress

On 2/15/2013 9:35 AM, Eric Beversluis wrote:

Something I've never figured out--and seems true of LO/OO as well as M$
Word: When reading through a document, one hits 'PgDn', but one doesn't
get a new page--it only scrolls down some seemingly arbitrary number of
lines. One has to scan the new screen to see what one left off reading
and one may only have gotten a half page of new reading for the effort.

Maybe I'm spoiled by e-readers. But maybe, even after all these years, I
haven't figured out how to do this correctly in a word processor.


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