Am 19.11.2014 um 21:19 schrieb Matt Price:
> Thank you Andreas.  Unfortunately I don't seem to be able to install either
> version of the MRI tool -- the unreleased 1.1.4 appears not to be a valid
> zipfile, whiel 1.1.2 throws this error:
> ( { { Message = "<class 'SyntaxError'>:
> invalid syntax (, line 21), traceback follows\X000a
> /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/ in function
> getModuleFromUrl() [codeobject = compile( src, encfile(filename), \"exec\"
> )]\X000a  /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/ in function
> writeRegistryInfo() [mod = self.getModuleFromUrl( locationUrl
> )]\X000a\X000a", Context = ( @0 } }
> I suppose this could be a problem with python version? I'm not certain.  In
> any case, I'd really appreciate it if you could point me to a differnt
> version or to some other tools.  Much appreciated!
> Matt

Sorry, I do not run any recent version of LibreOffice and this is one of
the reasons.
Install XRay instead. Nevertheless, it is inevitable to read some
hundred pages of documentation to get a clear view over the whole
If macros are the most "natural" way how you operate an office suite, MS
Office may be one and only suite that will ever fit your needs. Macro
coding for Libre/OpenOffice is for (semi-)professional programmers.

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