Hello Joshua,

thanks beforehand for your time and patience in this matter.

The idea is to use the apache servers as deployment vehicle for our applications using java web start. This can be quite large files.

So we have a central deployment server where we update the files. The users on their PCs access however a reverse proxy caching server. The URL request arrives at the proxy, it checks it cache to download or server the request from the cache. The first user will fill the cache of the proxy; however all other users will be served from the cache. If however we update a part of the application centrally, the cache should get updated with the newer versions.

The whole meaning of this: our decentralized sites do not necessarily have broadband connections (rather tinyband connections) to the central site; so we do not want to overload the lines with all users accessing the applications.

Therefor at the site a apache server is setup as reverse proxy with disk cache. The central server merely servers the files as static content. If I run the proxy with debug tracing, I notice that the cache module does'nt cache anything with the trace information "cache: no-cache or authorization forbids caching of ...".

I can't figure out why he does this.

Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

20/12/2005 17:33

Please respond to

Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] reverse proxy with cache ...

> Doesn't the cache verify the last mod times of the remote URLs?

It can probably do this, with the appropriate http response headers
(Cache-control: must-revalidate), but is that what you really want?
What is the point of the cache if it needs to make a request to the
origin server every time?

> If configuring the max-age=0 is there still functionality in the caching or will it continuously expire?

I'm talking about using that http request header in a client-side
request for the purpose of purging the cache.  I'm not talking about
sending that as an http response header.

> How can we control the headers in the source server?

Is it apache?  If so, you can use mod_expires or mod_headers.


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