On 1/3/06, Mary Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>    I just installed apache2.2.0 from source code on my red hat linux
> system.  Everything seemed to be ok.  I started apachectl and have an httpd
> running on the system.  But, according to 'Apache Essentials' when I point
> my browser at http://localhost/ I should get a screen from apache with an
> apache logo and a statement saying not to call them about configuration
> problems.  I don't.  I get a screen saying 'It works!'.  Is something wrong
> with my installation?  I did not check the signature on the source code.
> And I can't find the html scripts for either screen on my system.

Nothing wrong.  The big page with the logo was a constant source of
trouble and was replaced in 2.0 with a simpler start page.  To find
the location of this page, look for the DocumentRoot directive in


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