hi all,
Apache/2.0.55 (Debian) PHP/5.0.5-3 mod_perl/2.0.1 Perl/v5.8.7 Server at Port 80
this is my server.
and the docroot is '/var/www/'
i cant run cgi files on apache. [says not found on this server] [/var/www/cgi-bin/ is the directory where i want to store my cgi & pl files]
added some scriptalias line in apache2.conf file but didnt work :(
do i have to add the scripalias part between spesific lines ? or what should be written between <Directory> tags comes directly after scripalias ?
do i need to enclose the scriptalias with <IfModule>s ?
help me please.

[ps: scripalias comes default in httpd.conf of version 1.3 but theres nothing in the apache2.conf of version 2.0.55. did the same as described in 1.3 but not worked on apache/2.0.55]

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