Title: Apache WebDav setup problem

I came up with the following setup for webdav access using apache 2 unix and  tried to test it using WebFolder in Windows xp.

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName admin.mysite.com
 DocumentRoot /var/apache2/htdocs/webdav/

DAVLockDB /app/webdavlock

<Location />
    DAV On
   AuthType Basic
    AuthName webdav
    AuthUserFile /app/passwd/passwords
    Require valid-user
    Satisfy All

The problems:

1.  Can not set the location to anything other than document root "/".  If I set it to <Location /test> it will not work.  That is, I can not set it to http://admin.mysite.com/test. It pops up an authentication window but not accepting the user/password I setup.

2.  Can not access symbolic links inside the webdav directory.

3.  Can not edit the files directly.

3.  If I remove the authentication portion and leave it like this:

<Location />
    DAV On

It works great, I can access any symbolic links and can even edit the files directly using textpad.

How can achieve the same result after adding the authentication?  Is there anything wrong with my configuration?



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