I have seen the following problem with apache using both mod_perl and

I would really like to know how to resolve this. If anyone can help,
that would be great.


I have 2 vhosts with different document roots. There are files in each
with the same name, but different content.

It seems apache will load a file from one vhost, and if the file has a
counterpart (file with the same name) in the other vhost, and that file
is requested from the other vhost, apache will use the file that is
loaded - doesn't matter that it is from the document directory of the
other vhost or not.


Ask away if I haven't provided enough information.

I've seen this issue at other places, so I know I'm not the only one
with this problem. I went back about a year looking for a similar
posting, but didn't see one. Sorry if it is posted already.


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