Whenever I try to start Apache, I get the following error


[Fri Dec 01 06:04:30 2006] [notice] Apache/2.0.50 (Unix) configured --
resuming normal operations

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 05:04:30 2006] [alert] (12)Cannot allocate memory:
apr_thread_create: unable to create worker thread

[Fri Dec 01 06:04:40 2006] [alert] Child 15549 returned a Fatal
error...\nApache is exiting!


I am using Apache 2.0.50 on RHEL 3.0.


06:13:36  up 20 days, 13:53,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.06, 0.25

41 processes: 40 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped

CPU states:  cpu    user    nice  system    irq  softirq  iowait    idle

           total    0.0%    0.0%    0.8%   0.0%     0.0%    2.8%  396.0%

           cpu00    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%     0.0%    1.9%   98.0%

           cpu01    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%     0.0%    0.0%  100.0%

           cpu02    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%     0.0%    0.9%   99.0%

           cpu03    0.0%    0.0%    0.9%   0.0%     0.0%    0.0%   99.0%

Mem:  3082484k av, 1327720k used, 1754764k free,       0k shrd,  132892k

       438388k active,             536480k inactive

Swap: 4606312k av,    6900k used, 4599412k free                  964952k



Thanks in Advance,


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