Running apache 2.0.53 on Solaris 8.  Child processes build up to the maximum
(MaxClients), and then the web server stops responding so I have to go and
kill old httpd process (I never have to restart apache).  The processes I
kill are generally a few days old, or several hours old.

As I understand it, the server becomes unresponsive when it hits the 200
MaxClients limit, but the KeepAliveTimeout, or at least the Timeout value,
should have returned those older processes to general service.  This doesn't
appear to be happening as I have old httpd processes that just hang around.

Some relevant httpd.conf entries:

Timeout 300
KeepAlive On
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
StartServers         12
MinSpareServers      10
MaxSpareServers      30
MaxClients           200


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