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As this question is not really mod_dav centered, I hope you guys can

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michaël Cadilhac) writes:

> Sorry if this question has been asked before, I just can't found the
> information.
> My web host said to me, « If you give us a way to switch on DAV for
> every clients just by adding a few lines to our global configuration,
> then we'll add them ».
> So, I'm not at all a regular user of Apache, but I told them « You just
> have to add the DavLockDb line, and then for each client file (each
> VirtualHost), add a ` <Location /webdav> DAV On </Location> ' line. »
> They insisted on the fact that the change HAS to be on the global file
> only.  So, is there a way to say: « The /webdav directory of each
> VirtualHost has DAV On » ?

Thanks in advance!

 |   Michaël `Micha' Cadilhac       |   Did you Mooh today ?                 |
 |   http://michael.cadilhac.name   |                                        |
 |   JID/MSN:                       |       http://boitam.eu/                |
 `----  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |                                   -  --'

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