Hi List,

I need your help on the following configuration. My Reverse Proxy works if I 
try something like test.de/SSH, but I don't get it to work for ssh.test.de.
(Apache 2.0) for Windows XP, the SSH Server is FreeSSH. Everything installed on 
the very same machine.

Reason for this, I can't get Putty (SSH Client) to work, 'cause it doesn't seem 
to like the / when resolving test.de/SSH

Listen 80

NameVirtualHost ssh.test.de:80

<virtualhost       ssh.test.de:80>

            Servername      ssh.test.de

            DocumentRoot  c:/internet/web-nonSSL

            <Proxy *>

                        Order deny,allow

                        Deny from all


                        ProxyPass        http://ssh.test.de                    

                        ProxyPassReverse http://ssh.test.de


            ErrorLog logs/SSH-error.log

            CustomLog logs/SSH-access.log common




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