Let me describe you what I have done..
I have deleted both the server source files and started afresh from the 
followed the steps like:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.0.63]# pwd
[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.0.63]# ./configure 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.0.63]# make
[EMAIL PROTECTED] httpd-2.0.63]# make install
Hi Praveena the problem that you are facing is pretty common. And by 
default the access to root directory is restricted. Secondly the error you 
are on start thar process is not able to bind to ports 80 and 443 coz they 
are already bound to process by previously running apache. Just try to 
kill those processes by kill command. And start it again.. just go thru 
the Directory directive to understand you should do what has to be done.
I would suggest you to add 
                        <VirtualHost *:7001>
                                RootDirectory /your/location/to/rootdir
                                SernverName yourhostip:7001
                                <Directory />
                                        Order Allow,Deny
                                        Allow from All
Forbidden error occurs coz you(user) are not allowed to see that page.


With Regards
Amit Gupta
Winchester, Powai

Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.

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