Hi All,

I would like to create different apache2.2.8 daemon on RHEL5.1 so that
they can be started and stopped without affecting each other. I do the
same on windows by creating IP based virtual server as different daemon.
To achieve the same on RHEL5.1 I considered the following two
appraoches. I am incliend towards approach 1. Please suggest if approach
1 is better suited over approach 2. Any comment ? risks ?

Approach - 1 (Virtual Servers having same IP Address but with different
hostnames and port numbers)

Step 1 - Edit host file with different hostname (daemon) with same IP

             Like - - redhat.apple.com

               - vs1.apple.com

               - vs2.apple.com .... Till n number of

            For each virtual server configuration            

Step 2 - Create a new server root folder like /usr/App/Apa1

Step 3 - Copy conf, htdocs and logs from existing main Apache build path
(/usr/App/Apa) to /usr/App/Apa1.

Step 4 - Edit httpd.conf file under /usr/App/Apa1/conf as mentioned in
the steps below 

a.       ServerName vs1.apple.com:90

b.       Listen 90

c.       DocumentRoot "/usr/App/Apa1/htdocs"

d.       <Directory "/usr/App/Apa1/htdocs">

e.       ServerRoot "/usr/App/Apa1"


Step 5 - Edit httpd-ssl.conf under /usr/App/Apa1/conf/extra as following

a.       <VirtualHost _default_:636>

b.       ServerName vs1.apple.com:636

c.       Listen 636

d.       DocumentRoot "/usr/App/Apa1/htdocs"

Repeat step 2 to 5 for any additional virtual servers
(/usr/App/Apa2.....n) with different host/server name, server root and

Approach - 2 (Virtual Servers having different IP Address with different
hostnames and port numbers)

Step 1 - Create different virtual host with different IP Address

Step 2 - Follow the steps 2 to 5 in Approach - 1




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