On 6/5/08, André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Or you could change your log rotation system altogether, and use logrotate
> if your OS has it.
> The general idea is : you dom't use rotatelogs, you write the logs normally
> to a file.
> With cron, you regularly run logrotate, as often as you want.
> It has a configuration file that tells it which files to rotate, how often,
> in function of which criteria, what to do before and after the rotation, how
> many "back-copies" to keep before starting to overwrite them etc..  It does
> this cleanly and without necessarily interrupting the process whose files it
> is rotating.
> "man logrotate" under Linux is pretty explicit.

But the thing is  i have virtual domains currently 20 and will increase to
100 in the next month .... i would have to manually  edit the logrotate.conf
file ( /etc/logrotate.conf ) which wd be a lot time consuming for say 100 +
domains  . my log files for each domain is located as such : /websites/
domain.com/logs/doamin.com_access_log. Currently i am using apache's
rotatelog command and it allow to set a max size to your log and rotate it
but doesn't delete old logs files. Is it possible to write a script in the
httpd-vhost.conf file to delete logs after it reaches certain time frame

Agnello Dsouza

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