Hello list. 
I'm configuring syslog for our servers. One of them is a apache
webserver. We've decided to log as much as possible via syslog. For
apache the ErrorLog can go directly to syslog and for CustumLogs I use a
small perl script, logger.pl,  that listens for input and logs it to
syslog. This works how it's supposed to but the problem is that for
every vhost we have two CustomLog directives, one for port 80 and one
for port 443. This means we will get allot of scripts running, doing
exacly the same... I thought I could just specify one CustomLog
"|logger.pl" in httpd.conf and filter them again per vhost acording to
the servername using syslog-ng. The problem with this is %v and %V as is
the headerline Host(%{Host}i)are set to the hostname of the machine
serving apache, not the vhost name...
Does anyone know a solution for this problem.

Geert  Geurts 
Universiteit Leiden
Afdeling Middleware

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