On 20/11/2009, at 18:20 , André Warnier wrote:

> Peter N Lewis wrote:
>> I already have:
>>    MaxRequestsPerChild   1000
>> So the worker processes should die and clean that out.
>> I'm suspicious that the worker threads are not dieing because I've seen 
>> cases where there are worker threads listed in ps but not listed in 
>> server-status (that will probably show up tomorrow or the next day when the 
>> server has been running a bit longer, and I'll post details of that if I 
>> haven't got a response by then).
> You are talking about threads. What MPM are you using, on which platform ?
> Read http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mpm.html
> and try ./httpd -l

slice:/etc/apache2# /usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -l
Compiled in modules:

> All this is still a plaster over a real issue though.  The real issue is that 
> some module is leaking memory, and you should really find out which one and 
> go from there.  There may be an alternate module available or not, depending 
> on the case.

My suspicion is it is more that it is leaking processes or threads that then 
never get tidied up.  But I certainly could be wrong.

And at this point, I'll be happy to take some plaster - my site is not going to 
be so heavily used that I need more than plaster.  I would like a better 
solution that frequent graceful restarts.

> It may also just be an application, not a Perl library module, that leaks 
> memory.  I would consider that in fact much more likely.
> What /are/ your "mod_perl pages" and what do they do ?
> Is there any possibility to narrow down the search to some likely suspects ?
> In the order of probabilities for memory leaks, I would consider, from most 
> to least likely culprits :
> 1) perl application modules/pages
> 2) perl standard library modules handling XML
> 3) other perl standard library modules
> 4) Apache standard modules
> 5) Apache core code

Any suggestions on how to find it?

Here is what I find interesting.  After leaving it for another day, I now have 
worker processes that are not listed in the server status.

root     19962  0.0  3.3 193708 17776 ?        Ss   Nov19   0:43 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 21837  0.0  3.4 531796 18088 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:07 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 21995  0.0 11.9 813848 62892 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:05 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22023  0.0  7.5 737104 39496 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:04 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22046  0.0  6.5 826992 34336 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:05 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22079  0.0  3.6 837788 19304 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 22842  0.0 12.8 661912 67228 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:06 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 23370  0.0 10.6 458444 55696 ?        Sl   Nov20   0:09 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start
www-data 23613  0.1 11.2 520912 58932 ?        Sl   02:00   0:00 
/usr/sbin/apache2 -f /etc/apache2/apache2.conf -k start

Processes 21837, 21995, 22842 are not listed in the server status.

Surely that is something quite wrong?  If I kill those processes, I get back a 
significant amount of memory:

slice:/var/log/apache2# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           512        505          6          0          3        147
-/+ buffers/cache:        354        157
Swap:         1023        256        767
slice:/var/log/apache2# kill -9 21837  21995  22842
slice:/var/log/apache2# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           512        399        112          0          3        147
-/+ buffers/cache:        249        263
Swap:         1023        188        835

Still very confused.


Server status is below.

Apache Server Status for www.stairways.com

Server Version: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0
Server Built: Jul 14 2009 20:40:18
Current Time: Saturday, 21-Nov-2009 02:07:55 UTC
Restart Time: Thursday, 19-Nov-2009 02:39:50 UTC
Parent Server Generation: 0
Server uptime: 1 day 23 hours 28 minutes 5 seconds
Total accesses: 66968 - Total Traffic: 2.2 GB
CPU Usage: u17.53 s2.92 cu0 cs0 - .012% CPU load
.392 requests/sec - 13.4 kB/second - 34.2 kB/request
2 requests currently being processed, 48 idle workers
Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request,
"W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup,
"C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing,
"I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process

Srv     PID     Acc     M       CPU     SS      Req     Conn    Child   Slot    
Client  VHost   Request
0-0     23613   0/6/709 _       0.25    182     1428    0.0     1.18    19.45   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
0-0     23613   0/3/833 _       0.22    184     3576    0.0     0.53    19.12   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
0-0     23613   0/3/1041        _       0.25    182     4188    0.0     0.49    
41.90   x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
0-0     23613   0/4/1007        _       0.29    176     1128    0.0     0.12    
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0-0     23613   0/2/831 _       0.32    116     180     0.0     0.07    27.35   
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
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33.69   x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/frames/configuration.png 
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x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET /img/mainbuttons/download-both.jpg HTTP/1.1
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x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
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x.x.x.x www.keyboardmaestro.com GET 
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x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
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1-0     -       0/0/659 .       5.35    2144    0       0.0     0.00    45.19   
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1-0     -       0/0/924 .       5.35    2144    0       0.0     0.00    20.44   
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1-0     -       0/0/794 .       5.35    2144    0       0.0     0.00    30.36   
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3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    76667   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    76667   4       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.21    76667   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     -       0/0/137 .       4.90    54611   8       0.0     0.00    3.01    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/rss.xml HTTP/1.1
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3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    76667   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    76667   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     -       0/0/127 .       4.86    54611   460     0.0     0.00    6.91    
x.x.x.x www.peter.com.au        GET 
3-0     22023   0/1/1   R       0.22    76667   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     22023   0/0/0   R       0.00    76674   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
3-0     -       0/0/241 .       4.88    54611   8       0.0     0.00    4.74    
x.x.x.x www.stairways.com       GET /blog/rss.xml HTTP/1.1
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?       ?       ..reading..
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5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    76673   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
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?       ?       ..reading..
5-0     22079   0/0/0   R       0.00    76673   0       0.0     0.00    0.00    
?       ?       ..reading..
Srv     Child Server number - generation
PID     OS process ID
Acc     Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
M       Mode of operation
CPU     CPU usage, number of seconds
SS      Seconds since beginning of most recent request
Req     Milliseconds required to process most recent request
Conn    Kilobytes transferred this connection
Child   Megabytes transferred this child
Slot    Total megabytes transferred this slot
Apache/2.2.9 Server at www.stairways.com Port 80

     Clipboard Switching and Macros with Keyboard Maestro

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