Folks, I finally did it.
I realized mod_proxy_http was not enabled. After enabling it, it worked !!

Thanks to all !


2011/11/19 Alex Samad - Yieldbroker <>

>  Hi****
> ** **
> Sorry the last line should have read****
> ** **
> http://reverseproxy:8080/somepage.cgi?somearguments****
> ** **
> this is all I am doing on my reverse proxy ****
> ** **
> client -> apache -> tomcat ****
> ** **
> apache and tomcat are on the same box (I have another setup were tomcat
> isn’t).****
> ** **
> one thing I do do is keep the pathing the same. But the arguments
> definitely get transferred over, a lot of the calling apps use get’s not
> posts****
> ** **
> ** **
> so I have****
> ** **
> http://rp/<path>/app?variables get’s reverse proxied to
> http://tomcat:8080/<path>/app?variables****
> ** **
> all with just using proxypass, proxypathreverse (my understanding) is when
> you change the path bit.****
> ** **
> And mod_rewrite is when you want to do extra special things to the url,
> apart from simple change of path.****
> ** **
> Alex****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Ricardo Bayley []
> *Sent:* Sunday, 20 November 2011 6:18 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] Proxy Tomcat****
> ** **
> Hi Alex,****
> ** **
> No, I want is this.****
> ** **
> request => http://server01/wms?somearguments****
> converts => http:// server02:8080/gwc/wms?somearguments****
> ** **
> This should be proxied, not redirected.****
> ** **
> If I do what u mention, dont know why arguments are not sent. I guess you
> are not Rewriting anything.****
> ** **
> ** **
> regards,****
> ** **
> ** **
> ricardo****
> ** **
> ** **
> 2011/11/19 Alex Samad - Yieldbroker <>****
> Hi****
>  ****
> My understanding is that if you have ****
>    ProxyPassReverse /****
>    ProxyPass /****
>  ****
>  ****
> And you make a request for ****
> http://reverseproxy/somepage.cgi?somearguments****
>  ****
> it converts its into ****
>  ****
> http://reverseproxy/gwc/service/somepage.cgi?somearguments****
>  ****
>  ****
> Which is what you want ?****
>  ****
> Alex****
>  ****
> *From:* Ricardo Bayley []
> *Sent:* Sunday, 20 November 2011 2:12 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [users@httpd] Proxy Tomcat****
>  ****
> Hi Alex, and Congo, I dont see how to concat the Proxy 
> the "?"
> ****
>  ****
> Congo, I do have a vhost for every geo service. What I am trying to do is
> to Proxy request using apache. This way I dont have to have all tomcats in
> the open. But as you can see, I am failing to do so. :(****
>  ****
> So do you have a sample on how to do it ?****
>  ****
>  ****
> regards to both,****
>  ****
>  ****
> Ricardo****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
>  ****
> 2011/11/19 Alex Samad - Yieldbroker <>****
> Hi  ****
>  ****
> Why not have****
>  ****
>    ProxyPassReverse /****
>    ProxyPass /****
>  ****
> Alex****
>  ****
> *From:* Ricardo Bayley []
> *Sent:* Saturday, 19 November 2011 8:54 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [users@httpd] Proxy Tomcat****
>  ****
> Hi folks,****
>  ****
> I am trying to proxy a request.****
> I have this input****
>  http://someAddress/wms?val1=1&val2=2****
>   ****
> it should be turned into****
>   ****
>    ProxyPassReverse /****
>    ProxyPass /****
>    RewriteEngine On****
> # RewriteCond *some condition*****
>    RewriteRule   ^/wms(.*)${QUERY_STRING} [P]*
> ***
>  ****
>  ****
> If I write =>  RewriteRule   ^/wms(.*)$   
> [P]****
> then %{QUERY_STRING} wont be placed.****
> But if I don't place the "?" then I am not properly forming the request.**
> **
>  ****
>  ****
> Can anyone help ?****
>  ****
>  ****
> best regards,****
>  ****
>  ****
> Ricardo****
>  ****
> ** **

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