And the cache directory is owned by....? If you created that directory as
root and didnt change the ownership then the user you are running apache
under will not be able to write in.
Other possible explenation would be that all pages from weblogic are coming
with Cache-control: no-cache header (which i doubt).
 On Apr 2, 2012 4:30 PM, "Pramodkumar Srikantamurthy" <> wrote:

> HI,****
> ** **
> Can someone help me understand why am I unable to get the cached files on
> the unix box. ****
> Using the configurations as mentioned below which I am using on the
> windows xp and getting the files cached in the mentioned****
> directory (*diskcachedir*). But on unix I am unable to get the files
> cached in the folder *diskcachedir.*
> ** **
> Checked the permission on the folder and it is *rwxr-xr-x.*****
> ** **
> We have rebuild the apache 2.2.17 and configured the modules mod_cache
> and mod_disk_cache.****
> ** **
> Why is that the fies are not being cached on the disk ?****
> ** **
> There is no problems in virtual hosting as I could see the pages from the
> weblogic correctly.****
> ** **
> *Configurations used :*
> ** **
> LoadModule cache_module modules/****
> LoadModule disk_cache_module  modules/****
> LoadModule weblogic_module  modules/****
> ** **
> ** **
> <VirtualHost 111.222.333.444:8080>****
> ** **
> <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>****
> ** **
>        <IfModule cache_module>****
> ** **
>               <IfModule disk_cache_module>****
> ** **
> #Disable caching for the .js files.****
> #SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.js$" no-cache****
>   ****
> # Root directory on the disk for caching.****
> CacheRoot /usr/local/apache2.2/diskcachedir/****
> ** **
> # Store for one hour****
> CacheMaxExpire 3600****
> ** **
> # Enable caching for all static files in the request****
> ** **
>                             CacheEnable disk /xxx/yyyyy/*****
> ** **
>                             CacheDirLevels 1****
>                             CacheDirLength 2****
> ** **
>               </IfModule>****
> ** **
>        </IfModule>****
> ** **
> <IfModule>****
> ** **
> </VirtualHost>****
> ** **
> Regards****
> ** **
> Pramod****
> ** **

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