Try this

<VirtualHost *:80>

        ProxyRequests Off

        # Working, live production host:
        ProxyPass /a/ ajp://
        ProxyPassReverse /a/ ajp://

        # app test host
        ProxyPass /c/ ajp://
        ProxyPassReverse /c/ ajp:// <>

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 6:37 AM, Dave Shevett <> wrote:

> I'm beginning to wonder if what I'm trying to do Just Doesn't Make Sense.
>  After banging my head on this for 2 weeks, I'm asking the hive mind for
> help.
> I have an Apache Tomcat-based application that runs on as the only app on
> a particular Tomcat server.  Each server services an individual client.
>  When I have a new client, I spin a new server (this is actually in EC2, so
> this is very easy to do).
> The tomcat application runs on the 'middle tier', and is fronted by an
> Apache HTTP server that has a single exposed IP, and proxies connections
> back to the appserver.
> So far so good.
> The problem is I want to have subdirectories within the initial URL map to
> different back end servers.  IE:
> <-- goes to server 'app01'
> <-- goes to server 'app02'
> And so on.  The problem is I can't figure out what magic incantations to
> put in httpd.conf to make this work. Note that I have working vhosts
> answering subdomain requests, and proxying back correctly - like this one:
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         ServerName
>         ProxyPreserveHost On
>         ProxyPass / ajp://
>         ProxyPassReverse / ajp://
> </VirtualHost>
> But I'm trying to change this so goes somewhere
> different than
> Here's what I have now, and it's not working correctly.
> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         ServerName
>         ServerAlias
>         ProxyRequests Off
>         # Working, live production host:
>         ProxyPass /a/ ajp://
>         ProxyPassReverse /a/
>         # app test host
>         ProxyPass /c/ ajp://
>         ProxyPassReverse /c/
> </VirtualHost>
> The first Proxy configuration is working correctly.  Requests coming into
> /a/ go to the server on  No worries.  But hitting the second
> address will end me back up at /a/ - I'm guessing because there are
> essentially two ProxyPassReverse's for the same url (
> Is this configuration even possible using ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse?
>  Should I reconfigure this to use mod_rewrite and use [P] rules?  An
> initial stab at that failed, but if that's where I should go I'll use it.
> Help please?
> --
> Dave Shevett
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